Monday, October 13, 2008


This means a few things.

some very deep.

some..... not so much.

yes, this is my first blog on this..... so naturally it would be called "Beginnings."

BUT! there is more to it.
to preface this blog, I'll tell you that I just previously wrote a new song.
it's called We Your Children.
and It is unlike any other song I've ever written.
it's influenced largely by the Word.
and all from the Spirit.

a new era,
a new beginning.
a new passion.

I've begun to truly love.
to truly begin.

to honestly look at any person, and say with sincerity "I love you."

and I've actually found myself catching many people off-guard by saying that too.
I'll tell them bye, and that I love them, and they'll just say ".......... bye...."

haha it's pretty great actually.

but really all this to say.

be ready to begin anew.
be ready to find a new level of love.
of faith,
and of the Lord.

be ready to rest in HIS new beginnings.

Love you all.


jenny said...

oooh what a great BEGINNING to a blog.

love you. love you. love you!

Nikol said...

very cool max :-D